Sponsored by the Safe Schools Project of Santa Cruz County, a program of the Queer Youth Task Force and co-sponsored by:
- Bay Federal Credit Union
- Be Yourself Club, Alisal High School, Salinas
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Santa Cruz County
- Birthday Cakes 4 Free
- Boys & Girls Club of Santa Cruz
- Bread for the Journey
- Cabrillo College Trustee Adam Spickler
- California Rural Legal Assistance – CRLA
- California State University Monterey Bay (CSUMB)
- Cherie Reveles in honor of Dan Gold and Pat LeCuyer
- Community Foundation for San Benito County
- County Mental Health Services Act (MHSA)
- David Yule
- Diversity Center Youth Program
- Edie Frederick
- Genders & Sexualities Alliance Network (GSA Network)
- Gender Spectrum
- Good Times Community Fund
- Jardines de San Juan Restaurant, San Juan Bautista
- Monterey Peninsula Pride
- Nonprofit Connection Santa Cruz County
- Our Gente: A Program of The Epicenter
- Out In Our Faith
- Pajaro Valley Pride
- Pajaro Valley Unified School District (PVUSD)
- PFLAG Santa Cruz County
- Phillip Gomez & Van Boughner
- PRIDE Center & Gender Equity Center, San José State University
- Rainbow Speakers and Friends of Monterey County
- Salinas Valley Pride
- Santa Cruz City Schools (SCCS)
- Santa Cruz County Office of Education (SCCOE)
- Santa Cruz Derby Girls
- TransFamilies
- Trans Teen Project of Santa Cruz County
- UCSC Lionel Cantú GLBTI Resource Center
- UCSC Summer Session
- UC Santa Cruz
- United Way of San Benito County
- United Way of Santa Cruz County
- Watsonville High School
- Watsonville High School’s Sexuality and Gender Acceptance (SAGA)
- and additional community organizations

Special Thank You!
- Superintendent Faris Sabbah, Santa Cruz County Office of Education
- Superintendent Dr. Michelle Rodriguez, Pajaro Valley Unified School District
- Superintendent Kris Munro, Santa Cruz City Schools
- Principal Dr. Rosa Hernández, Lakeview Middle School
- Trustee Adam Spickler, Cabrillo College
- Trustee Gail Levine, San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District
- Keith O. Johnson, M.A., Director of Student Equity & Success, Cabrillo College
- Celine Cuneo, GSA Advisor, Watsonville High School Sexuality and Gender Acceptance (SAGA) GSA
- Jen Salinas-Holz, Co-Advisor, Lakeview Middle School Queer Straight Alliance (QSA)
- Pamela Wool, Director of Family Support and Administration, Gender Spectrum
- Dr. Jen Hastings
- Trisha Herrera, Summit Co-Coordinator
- Andi Mellon, Summit Resource Fair Host
- Reyes Warne, Summit Social Media Coordinator
- Katé Wilson Designs, Summit Printed Program
- and many more community leaders, chaperones, resource fair participants & volunteers!