About the Workshop
Presenters: Melissa S Bernstein LMFT (she/her/ella); Sonia Sandigo North BA (she/her/ella)
Adult Led
Level: Beginning
For: Middle School Students
Description: EMPOWERING (CIS/TRANS) GIRLS AND WOMEN: YES TO YOURSELF! This workshop has been developed by Melissa S. Bernstein LMFT and Sonia Sandigo-North BA on how to hold a feminist identity as a cis/trans girl/woman, while developing healthy boundaries under the umbrella of the queer community. We will explore: appreciating who you are, psychoeducation about building and maintaining circles of trust, and creating community; as we are in this together, and therefore, stronger together. Girls/women will leave the workshop understanding: overexposure, saying YES to yourself, your needs are not a burden, and recognizing it is not the person but the behavior we need awareness around.
About the Presenters
Melissa S Bernstein (she/ her/ ella) LMFT
Melissa is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (#52524) employed in private practice as well as with Family Service Agency of the Central Coast in Santa Cruz. Melissa has been an active member of the Santa Cruz Dyke Trans March Collective since 2000.
Sonia Sandigo North
Sonia has a BA in Environmental Studies with an emphasis in k-12 education and communication. Sonia has been working with children as a volunteer in Santa Cruz County for over twenty years, and also, has experience supporting members of the community accessing mental health services undergraduate studies at UC Santa Cruz. They currently work with GSA Network as the Northern California Regional Organizer.

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