Soaring Above and Beyond the Gender Binary
Saturday, March 2, 2019
9:30 am – 2:00 pm
Lakeview Middle School — Watsonville
Visit us on Facebook
All High School & Middle School LGBTQIA/Ally Students welcome!
- Meet students throughout Santa Cruz County and beyond — from Watsonville and Salinas to Scotts Valley — who are working to help create safer schools in their community!
- Experience workshops put on by fellow youth and community members
- Meet LGBTQIA/Ally Community Leaders
- Breakfast, Snacks and Lunch Provided – Free
- Resource Fair
- and more
Registration Closed
Same-day Registration Available!
Thank you
Guest Speaker Announced

Trustee Jorge Pacheco Jr.
Jorge Pacheco Jr. was born and raised in San Jose to two immigrant parents from Mexico and El Salvador and has been a social justice elementary and middle school teacher for the last 6 years. At 28 years old, he was recently elected to his home school district’s school board as the first Latino, the first openly queer and the youngest school board member ever elected to the Oak Grove School District.
Jorge Pacheco Jr.
Governing Board Member/Trustee | Oak Grove School District Board of Trustees
7th/8th Grade Ethnic Studies Teacher | Voices College-Bound Language Academy
University of California, Berkeley | B.A. Legal Studies and Anthropology, 2013
Loyola Marymount University | M.A. Urban Education, 2016
Schedule for Students
- 9:30-10:00 am: Check-in, Breakfast & Resource Fair
- 10:00-10:30 am: Opening and Ice Breakers
- 10:30-10:45 am: Snack Break
- 10:45-11:35 am: Workshop Session #1
- 11:35-11:50 am: Snack Break
- 11:50-12:40 pm: Workshop Session #2
- 12:40-1:15 pm: Closing Ceremony
- 1:15- 2:00 pm: Catered Lunch & Resource Fair
- 2:00 pm: End
Workshops for Students Announced
Session # 1
How to Have a KickAss GSA
Adult Led
Accessibly Caucus
Young Adult Led
Cuír: Latinx Art & Activism
Adul Led
Pain is Real, but so is Hope
Youth Led
Gender Bender Fashion Show
Youth Led
LGBT books for youth: From “Daddy’s Roommate” to “Drum Roll, Please”
Adult Led
Session # 2
Young Adult Led
Self-Defense for Teens
Adult Led
Buttons for All
Youth Led
Leviticus 18:22
Youth Led
Inner & Outer Self Portrait in Watercolor
Adult Led
Call for Student Workshops!
The Summit Planning Committee, made up of student leaders and members from Lakeview Middle School Queer-Straight Alliance (QSA) student club, have expressed a particular interest in workshops for students in the following topics:
- asexuality and asexual spectrum identities
- intersex identities and intersex rights
- trans, non-binary, and gender-expansive issues
- safer sex and consent
- healthy relationships
- racial justice
- mental health
- religion and the queer community
- self-care
- how to be an ally
- coming out 101
- umbrella terms
- pronouns
- intersectionality
- responding to hate speech/intolerance
Workshop Proposals Due: Extended to Thursday, February 14 at 6:00 PM
Workshop Proposal Form -- Spring 2019
Hear about the Summit
Learn more about the Summit from Trisha Herrera, Assistant Summit Coordinator, who was on the Feb 25 Closet Free Radio Show, one of the oldest LGBTQ radio shows in the United States. Stay tuned to Closet Free Radio every Monday night, 7:00-8:30 pm on KZSC at 88.1 FM.
Welcome to Lakeview Middle School

Lakeview Middle School Principal Dr. Rosa Hernández
Welcome from Dr. Rosa Hernández, Principal, Lakeview Middle School
Lakeview Middle School is excited to host the 2019 Spring Queer, Trans & Allied Student Summit! We are so honored to have been chosen to host this event, especially as a middle school.
Diversity is one of Lakeview’s “PR²IDE” Core Values and is an integral part of being a member of our school community. We are proud to have a thriving Queer-Straight Alliance that has worked to make Lakeview a more inclusive and supportive campus for its students and staff. We are proud of our openly queer staff and students, and strive to educate all on how to be better allies for one another.
However, we still have progress to make, such as talking about intersectionality and how it affects our students, educating all students on queer and trans topics, and ensuring not only the safety of our students, but their happiness as well.
Hosting the summit this year will be an important step in this process! I am thrilled there will be a parent/family strand of workshops offered during the summit. I am looking forward to seeing our students work with, teach, and learn from students from other schools as well. Here’s to soaring above and beyond!
— Principal Rosa Hernández
The Spring 2019 Summit theme is “Soaring Above and Beyond the Gender Binary”
Student leaders and members from the Lakeview Middle School Queer-Straight Alliance (QSA) student club selected the theme of “Soaring Above and Beyond the Gender Binary.” Their statement reads: “We, as the Lakeview Middle School QSA, promote a safe and empowering environment for all gender identities, sexualities, and LGBTQ+ allies. We hope as a diverse community, we can unite as one to build confidence and shed happy tears.”
Community Service Hours for Students
Students who attend the Queer, Trans, and Ally Student Summit may be able to earn school credit for participating in the summit.
Summit participants engage in community building and help create a safer, more inclusive environment for LGBT+ and ally youth in Santa Cruz County. Participants also learn about a variety of topics related to the LGBT+ community that will help them gain a deeper understanding of LGBT+ experiences which will compliment school curriculum in the areas of history and health, among others.
Youth may also volunteer and present workshops which builds their interpersonal and communication skills.
If your school has a community service, volunteer, or similar requirement, talk to your school counselor to see if you can earn credit for attending the summit.
Be sure to bring any required paperwork or forms to be signed by Summit staff.
For more information contact Stuart Rosenstein, co-chair, Queer, Trans & Allied Student Summit, or Jamie Cutter, M.Ed., English and Health Teacher, QSA Advisor and Safe School Lead, Delta High School at Cabrillo College at (831) 427-4004 or email
New in 2019 – Parent/Guardian Workshops in Partnership with Gender Spectrum!
Understanding Gender
A free workshop for parents, guardians, and other adult allies who want a deeper understanding of gender and youth
Learn more about the Parent/Guardian Summit — Registration Open!
Saturday, March 2, 2019
9:30 am – 2:00 pm
Lakeview Middle School — Watsonville
Understandings of gender are changing rapidly and it can be challenging to keep up! Parents might believe that they only have to pay attention to their child’s gender if it falls outside of traditional gender norms. While it is true that transgender, non-binary, and otherwise gender-expansive children are particularly at risk, every child is limited by traditional gender roles and stereotypes. Parents and ally adults play a crucial role in creating a safe and supportive environment for all young people around their gender.
We hope you’ll join us for a day of learning, conversation, and reflection about youth and gender.
Light breakfast, snacks and lunch provided
Simultaneous Spanish Translation provided
Presented by Gender Spectrum, TransFamilies of Santa Cruz County, the Safe Schools Project of Santa Cruz County, and Lakeview Middle School
Accessibility Information
If you require anything accessibility related (e.g.: sign language interpretation, captioning, accessible parking, specific dietary requirements, or any other accommodations) please contact Wren Reeve, (831) 427-4004, email
Specific accommodation requests should be made by February 13, 2019.
More than one contact method is useful, or at least an email address since not everyone uses the same communication methods.
LGBTIQA & Ally Youth Calendar — 2019
Spring 2019
- March 2: Queer, Trans & Allied Student Summit, Lakeview Middle School, 9:30 am – 2:00 pm
- April 12: National Day of Silence
- April 12: Breaking the Silence Rally & March, Watsonville Main Plaza, Watsonville, 3:00 – 5:00 pm
- April 12: Breaking the Silence Rally & March, Clock Tower, Santa Cruz, 3:00 – 5:00 pm
- April 13: Triangle Speakers Training for Youth & Allies
- May 1: Rainbow Tassels Project for graduating 8th grade and 12th grade students
- May 4: Queer Prom, First Christian Church, Watsonville, 6:30-10:00 pm
- May 11: 22nd Annual Queer Youth Leadership Awards, San Lorenzo Valley High School, Felton, 5:30-8:30 pm
Summer 2019
- June 2: Santa Cruz Pride, Santa Cruz, 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
- June: Monterey Peninsula Pride, Monterey,
- July 20 – 21: Gender Spectrum Family Conference
- August: Queer Camp Out, Diversity Center
- August 18: Pajaro Valley Pride, Watsonville, 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Fall 2019
- Fall 2019: Salinas Valley Pride, Salinas
- October 1-31: Queer History Month
- October 11: National Coming Out Day
Summit Sponsors

(L-R) Trisha Herrera, Assistant Summit Coordinator, Andi Mellon, Summit Resource Fair Host, & Jen Salinas-Holz, Lakeview Middle School Queer Straight Alliance (QSA) Co-Advisor, at Lakeview Middle School
Thank You!
- Superintendent Faris Sabbah, Santa Cruz County Office of Education
- Superintendent Dr. Michelle Rodriguez, Pajaro Valley Unified School District
- Superintendent Kris Munro, Santa Cruz City Schools
- Principal Dr. Rosa Hernández, Lakeview Middle School
- Trustee Adam Spickler, Cabrillo College
- Trustee Gail Levine, San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District
- Trustee Jorge Pacheco Jr., Oak Grove School District Board of Trustees
- Keith O. Johnson, M.A., Director of Student Equity & Success, Cabrillo College
- Jen Salinas-Holz, Co-Advisor, Lakeview Middle School Queer Straight Alliance (QSA)
- Jennifer Lemieux, Co-Advisor, Lakeview Middle School Queer Straight Alliance (QSA)
- Pamela Wool, Director of Family Support and Administration, Gender Spectrum
- Dr. Jen Hastings
- Trisha Herrera, Assistant Summit Coordinator
- Bella, Sophia & Audrey, Emcees, Lakeview Middle School QSA Leadership
- Andi Mellon, Summit Resource Fair Host
- Reyes Warne, Summit Social Media Coordinator
- Katé Wilson Designs, Summit Printed Program
- and many more community leaders, chaperones, resource fair participants & volunteers!
Sponsored by the Safe Schools Project of Santa Cruz County, a program of the Queer Youth Task Force and:
- Lakeview Middle School’s Queer-Straight Alliance (QSA)
- Be Yourself Club, Alisal High School, Salinas
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Santa Cruz County
- Boys & Girls Club of Santa Cruz
- Bread for the Journey
- Cabrillo College Trustee Adam Spickler
- California Rural Legal Assistance – CRLA
- Cherie Reveles in honor of Dan Gold and Pat LeCuyer
- County Mental Health Services Act (MHSA)
- Digital NEST
- Diversity Center Youth Program
- Genders & Sexualities Alliance Network (GSA Network)
- Gender Spectrum
- Good Times Community Fund
- Jardines de San Juan Restaurant, San Juan Bautista
- Lakeview Middle School
- Our Gente: A Program of The Epicenter
- Out In Our Faith
- Pajaro Valley Pride
- Pajaro Valley Unified School District (PVUSD)
- PFLAG Santa Cruz County
- Salinas Valley Pride
- Santa Cruz City Schools (SCCS)
- Santa Cruz County Office of Education (SCCOE)
- Santa Cruz Derby Girls
- TransFamilies
- Trans Teen Project of Santa Cruz County
- UCSC Lionel Cantú GLBTI Resource Center
- United Way of Santa Cruz County
- and additional community organizations
Volunteer or Sponsorship Opportunities
For information on how to become a volunteer or sponsor at the Spring 2019 Summit, please email us or call (831) 427-4004
Student Summit Flyer Download
Please help distribute flyers widely on campus and community. Thank you!
Download Student Summit — English Color Flyer
Download Student Summit — English Black/White Flyer
Download Student Summit — Spanish Color Flyer
Download Student Summit — Spanish Black/White Flyer
Summit Archives
- 2019 Fall Student Summit
- 2019 Spring Student Summit
- 2019 Spring Parent/Guardian Summit
- 2o17 Fall Student Summit
- 2017 Winter Student Summit
- 2016 Spring Student Summit
- 2015 Fall Student Summit
Summit Press
- Read about the 2017 Winter Summit in the Santa Cruz Sentinel “South County Summit Empowers LGBTQ Youth”
- Read about the 2016 Spring Summit in the Santa Cruz Sentinel “Santa Cruz County LGBTQ youth meet at Queer & Ally Student Summit“
- Read about the 2016 Spring Summit in the Santa Cruz Sentinel “Scotts Valley High School to host Queer, Ally Student Summit”