FAIR Education Act: “The FAIR Education Act updates California’s education guidelines to integrate age-appropriate, factual information about the role and contributions of people with disabilities and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people into social studies and history lessons. These education guidelines already include the contributions of both men and women, people of color, diverse ethnic communities and other historically underrepresented groups. Signed into law on July 14, 2011, these updated guidelines went into effect on January 1, 2012″ (GSA Network).
FAIR Education Act FAQ (from the California Department of Education)
Fact Sheet on the FAIR Education Act (SB 48)
LGBT-Inclusive Curriculum Guide for Educators: Make your curriculum LGBT-inclusive AND meet Common Core Standards!
Teaching Respect: LGBT-Inclusive Curriculum and School Climate: Highlights how inclusive curriculum can positively affect LGBT students’ experiences in school. The research brief is based on data from GLSEN’s2009 National School Climate Survey, a biennial survey on the school experiences of LGBT students. More than 7,000 middle and high school students took part in the national survey.
For more on curriculum: