The Safe Schools Project of Santa Cruz County has been distributing rainbow tassels since 2012 and bi and trans tassels since 2019. This has been a truly impactful project where GSA, QSA & SAGA Advisors have celebrated the success of their GSA members for their leadership and work on behalf of their local school campuses.
In 2019, a local parent stepped forward with the vision to inspire and empower local LGBTQIA+ youth by creating an event that honors their work and visibility with a larger audience.
In 2020, Santa Cruz County will have the opportunity to publicly honor and thank graduating high school, junior high, and middle school students who have been out, proud, and visible within their community.
The UCSC Lionel CantĂș Queer Center has been honoring UCSC LGBTQIA+ undergraduates and graduates since 1999 with their annual Rainbow Ceremony. In 2019, the name was changed to Lavender Ceremony. We thank the CantĂș Queer Center for the original inspiration of the Rainbow Tassels Project.
- 2nd Annual Celebration of LGBTQIA+ High School, Junior High, and Middle School Graduates / July 11, 2021
- 1st Annual Celebration of LGBTQIA+ High School, Junior High, and Middle School Graduates / June 7, 2020
- “Out In Santa Cruz” May 23, 2020 Radio Show: Hear from Rachel Warne, founder of the Celebration of LGBTQIA+ Graduates, and Linus Harless, Soquel High School graduate, as they discussed the upcoming celebration on the May 23 Out In Santa Cruz Radio Show. Correction: Linus Harless pronouns are They/Them/Theirs