About the Caucus
Presenter: Trisha Herrera (She/Her)
Adult Led
Level: Beginning
For: Both High School & Middle School Students
Description: The Lesbian and WLW caucus will focus on the beautiful complexities of the lesbian identity and lesbian-based topics such as lesbian activism, queer feminism, relationships with labels, sapphic music/fashion, diverse sexual and gender expressions, lesbian popular culture, and more! While the discussion will be dedicated to talking about lesbianism, WLW experiences, and issues within the lesbian community, this caucus is open to all identities!
About the Presenter
Trisha Herrera (She/Her)
University of California, Santa Cruz, Student
Bio: Trisha Herrera is an incoming senior at UCSC, majoring in Sociology and Critical Race and Ethnic Studies. She has been working with the Safe Schools Project for three years and helped produce three summits thus far. She is committed to cultivating spaces that are affirming, healing, resourceful, and supportive for all LBGTQIA+ youth.
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