About the Workshop
Presenters: Ali (she/ her and they/ them) and Emily (she/ her and they/them)
Adult and Youth Led
Level: Beginning
For: High School Students
Description: Youth will learn about opiates/ fentanyl and harms associated with these substances. Youth will learn about signs of overdose. Youth will learn about Naloxone/ Narcan. Youth will learn what to do if someone is overdosing. Youth will learn the steps for administering Narcan if a peer or family member is overdosing. Youth will learn about the Good Samaritan Law. Youth will also learn about resources for peers and family members struggling with substance use misuse/ addiction. We are in a an opiate crisis in the US. Youth overdose deaths have been on a steady increase for several years. Together we can save lives. Youth can play a role.
About the Presenters
Ali (she/her and they/them) and Emily (she/ her and they/ them) are part of SafeRx, a safety coalition doing work in Santa Cruz county to reduce harms from opiates- overdose/ overdose deaths and linking youth to resources for substance use/ misuse. Ali and Emily are dedicated to supporting youth in knowing about the signs of overdose and the lifesaving tool, Naloxone. In California youth can carry and use Naloxone if someone is overdosing from opiates. Ali has been doing Harm Reduction work in SC County for over 25 years and has worked in schools county wide. Emily is a recent college graduate serving as an intern with SafeRx for the next year. We believe, “Youth deserve accurate information on opiates/ fentanyl and the resources to reduce harm among their peers.”

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