About the Workshop
Presenters: Jamie Cutter (she/her)
Adult Led
Level: Intermediate
For: High school students
Description: How do our relationships affect our mental health? How are our sexual health and mental health linked? What can I do to support my sexual and mental health and how do I make healthy choices for myself? In this workshop youth will learn basic risk reduction strategies, work together to deconstruct common messages around mental and sexual health, and create an action plan to support their mental and sexual health.
About the Presenters
Jamie Cutter (she/her), M.Ed
Is the Director of Health Curriculum at the Safe Schools Project, a teacher and advisor at Delta Charter High School, and the author of Inclusive Sex Education: A Comprehensive Sexual Health Curriculum Guide. Jamie has worked in education in Santa Cruz County for over a decade and is passionate about empowering historically marginalized communities and creating safer schools for LGBTQIA+ youth.
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