About the Workshop
Presenters: Itzamar Carmona Felipe (they/them) and Gabriel Vidal (he/him)
Adult Led
Level: Beginning
For: Both High School & Middle School Students
Description: In this interactive workshop you will gain a better understanding of the different elements of a GSA Club! Come learn tips on setting up strong meetings, how to connect with other youth, gain skills and ideas in outreach, campaigns, member support, and team-building activities. Join the fun and don’t miss out!
About the Presenters
Itzamar Carmona Felipe ( they/them)
Itzamar grew up in Huichin Ohlone Land (Oakland, California) after migrating from Guerrero, Mexico. Throughout high school, they began doing community organizing and continued movement work during their undergraduate studies at UC Santa Cruz. They currently work with GSA Network as the Northern California Regional Organizer.
Gabriel Vidal (he/him/his and they/them/theirs) Gabriel originally comes from the East San Fernando Valley. From a young age, Gabriel has been inspired by their parent’s journey as political refugees from El Salvador. As a trans person of color, Gabriel remains committed to bridging equity, gender and racial justice in Los Angeles. He currently works with GSA Network as the Statewide Organizing Manager.

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