About the WorkshopÂ
Presenters: Amelia (she/they)
Youth Led
Level: Beginning
For: Both middle and high school students
Description: A Beginner’s Guide To Disability will be a presentation and discussion on a variety of topics related to disability. There will be an introduction to disability-related terms, a description of a variety of mobility aids, and a discussion of common accessibility needs and the ways they are and are not met. Disability culture and common debates will briefly be touched on. At the end, we will have a brief discussion on the intersection of disability and queerness. Everyone is welcome, whether or not you are disabled.
About the Presenters
Amelia (she/they) is a disabled student at Cabrillo College. She likes to draw, write, and spend time with her friends. However, her chronic pain and chronic fatigue often get in the way of those activities and she often has to spend a lot of time trying to get proper medical aid.
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