About the Workshop
Presenter: Madeline Aliah (she/her)
Youth Led
Level: Intermediate
For: Both middle and high school students
Description: Everyone has a story, but, for queer people, there is a stigma against our stories that is often internalized even as we surround ourselves in a sea of other people’s stories of acceptance. In this workshop, we will experiment with writing our personal stories of coming out and/or self-discovery. An open mic will be held for these stories at the end.
About the Presenter
Madeline Aliah (she/her) is an 18 year old trans-fem. She is a writer and orator who seeks to bring minoritized people together and educate people on our daily struggles. Her debut chapbook, “This is My Body: Poems by a Teen Transfem” was published when she was seventeen. She has since spoken in a TEDx talk that can be found on YouTube under the title “How you can create safe spaces”, and was an emcee/awardee for the Queer Youth Leadership Awards.
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